
Commissioned and premiered by Third Angle Ensemble, Conducted by Justin Ralls (2012).  Scored for Flute, Violin, Cello, Piano, Electric Guitar, Percussion, and pre-recorded soundscape. 


for solo trumpet and soundscape track. Performed and recorded by Aaron Kahn, trumpet.

Coyotes, Plane overflight

Recorded at 5 a.m. in Echo Canyon, Yosemite National Park.

Of Wolves and Rivers

Premiered at the Parrish Art Museum, Long Island, NY September 9, 2016 by Cadillac Moon Ensemble, in collaboration with Landscape Music Composers Network, Nell Shaw Cohen Dir. Scored for flute, violin, cello and percussion.

Night Psalm

Molly Barth, Flute. An homage to the song of the Hermit Thrush.


Tree-Wavings, a six minute work for string quartet, was premiered at the 2014 Oregon Bach Festival by Fear No Music.  The writings of John Muir have become a guiding inspiration in my music. It is not only his wonderful literary storytelling and lyrical style but also his sense of experience and place that lures me [...]